17 January 2008

(Insert Witty Title Here)

Yeah, we've been out for awhile...doing things that are nice. TwinsFest is coming up quick and we here at YB! intend to do some hard-hitting journalism while we're there. By that, I mean that I am going to confess to Nick Blackburn that I have a bizarre love for him, amongst other things. While I admit to my technological shortcomings, I am going to do my personal best to post any/all relevant pictures that we take.
In other news, here comes my shameless self-promotion: my boxing coaches (that is correct, I box) are in the process of opening up their own gym in the city of lovers, Bloomington. We start classes the first week of February. I encourage anybody who might be looking for a super fun (and sexy!) way to work out and/or learn some practical self defense to give it a try. Once their website is live, I will link to it in our little list of things we read. Sorry we were gone for so long, blame it on the holidays.


Baseball_Lipgloss said...

I think there is going to be a great turnout of baseball bloggers this year. I can't wait to size up our new players (by walking slowly past their tables, in a non-creepy way.)

Nick said...

I definitely dorked it up today when I told Nicky Blackburn how fun it was to watch him play last season...that pissed off Brian Buscher somethin' hot.